ITFLOWS generates novel insights on the intersection between migration, technology, and human rights. The purpose of ITFLOWS is to provide migration flow predictions in the European Union in the phases of reception, relocation, settlement and integration of migration drawing on multiple sources of information and with a focus on human rights. These insights will be provided by an evidence-based ICT enabled solution (the EUMigraTool) and models. All solutions have their fitness for purpose continually validated by policy-makers and practitioners in cooperation with civil-society organisations and in a dynamic and iterative process.
What do we do?
Our goal is to provide predictions of migration flows to enhance humanitarian support

with pending EU asylum applications as of June 2020 Eurostat
migrants and refugees arriving to Europe 1st quarter 2020
EU Resettled Refugees in 2019 Eurostat, data code TPS00195
EU acquisitions of citizenship (est.) in 2018 Eurostat
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