On September 24 and 25, the 14 Partners of the European ITFLOWS project met virtually to discuss the objectives, implementation and impact strategy of the project.
The ITFLOWS launch meeting ends after a day and a half of online meetings.
ITFLOWS met on September 24 and 25 to celebrate the project kick off meeting. The online meeting hosted more than 50 people from the 14 Partner institutions that form the consortium plus the 5 external committees that supervise the project.
The meeting was led by the UAB, coordinator of the project, with Dr. Cristina Blasi (Faculty of Law) as main researcher. The other participating institutions were the EUI, CERTH, CEPS, FIZ, IfW, IAI, CIT, OIT, CRI, OCC, CSD, TRC and BUL.
The purpose of ITFLOWS is to provide accurate predictions and adequate management solutions of migration flows in the European Union in the phases of reception, relocation, settlement and integration of migration, according to a wide range of human factors and using multiple sources of information.