ITFLOWS participated in the P2PKOS

On March 22 and 23, the European Commission (EC) Research Executive Agency (REA) organised its second annual “Project to policy kick off seminar” (P2PKOS) for security research. It included participation from 43 projects of the 2019 H2020 Secure Societies call, as well as representatives from the REA, DG HOME (Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs), DG CNECT (Directorate‑General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology), additional EC policy officers and other European agency representatives.

The two-day event served as an opportunity for projects to create awareness about their work in dialogue with EC policy officers and institution representatives, offering insight as to how to work together in communicating, disseminating, and essentially making use of project findings and policy recommendations. The first day, initiated by welcoming remarks from DG Home, addressed this potential exploitation, offering tips on crisis management and communication issues, as well as outlining the available EC tools and tailor-made services for Horizon2020 projects in communicating results. Day two then proceeded with interactive discussions, as projects were grouped per thematic area and offered brief presentations before discussing synergies or clarifying points with European representatives.

ITFLOWS benefitted from this opportunity to engage with and pave the way for further relationships with EC policy officers in order to best serve all stakeholders that this project seeks to support. In addition to project partners attending the training on available resources on Day 1, ITFLOWS Project Coordinator Cristina Blasi provided a brief presentation on ITLFOWS to fellow projects and EC representatives in the “Border Security and External Security” thematic group. DG Home was able to inquire further about specifics on ITFLOWS data and methods as the project progresses, raising questions about future possible data and system compatibility and planning.

Download the agenda here (DAY 1DAY 2)

ITFLOWS Project Coordinator (Dr. Cristina Blasi) during her presentation in Day 2

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