Cristina Blasi participates in the Peer Learning of the Working Group on Alternatives to Detention (ATD) within the United Nations Network for Migration (UNNM)

The IOM’s work on ATD is detailed at the ATD Toolkit, prepared by the International Migration Law (IML) Unit. More information on the UNNM Thematic WG can be found here.

Dr. Cristina Blasi, coordinator of ITFLOWS, has joined today the Working Group on the Alternatives to Detention (ATD) and participated in the peer learning session of the United Nations Network on Migration (UNNM) on 29 June 2021. The event has gathered more 45 representatives of governments around the world and also a variety of stakeholders.

Dr. Blasi has focused on leveraging technology by presenting on The Role of Emerging Predictive IT Tools in Effective Migration Governance and referred to EMT of ITFLOWS, which can foster migration within the EU, avoiding administrative detention at the arrival or once migrants have established in the EU. The EMT thus is presented as an ATD by providing better preparedness and insights on attitudes towards migration to NGOs and officials at local and community levels (i.e., municipalities).

The concept note & agenda can be downloaded here.

Slides can be downloaded here.

Check the REPORT with the results of the peer learning session here (updated on 16 August 2021)

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