On the 30th November at the LSE library, the London School of Economics (LSE) and Brunel University London (BUL) organised an event called “Emerging Technologies in Humanitarian Management,” thanks to ITFLOWS researchers from the BUL Migration Modelling and Simulation Group, Derek Groen, Diana Suleimenova, Alireza Jahani and Yani Xue, who were participating and organizing alongside event coordinator Anulekha Nandi.
The event gathered experts from different sectors and institutions such as the UN OCHA Centre for Humanitarian Data, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), the Oxford Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science, the Global Migration Data Anlysis Center of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), among others.
During the 3rd session, on “Governance considerations and policy priorities”, the ITFLOWS acting Scientific Coordinator and researcher Dr. Colleen Boland explained the ITFLOWS project and its EUMigraTool in the context of emerging migration and asylum governance issues, EU policy initiatives and predictive analytics in the humanitarian field. ITFLOWS researcher Mengia Tschaeler (BUL) also moderated the panel.
Please find more details of the event here