The Expert Advisory Board is composed of four prestigious researchers in the fields of migration and data science.

The Expert Advisory Board
The project will benefit from their interdisciplinary experience and expertise as they remain in constant communication over the course of the project, providing advice and consultation. These renowned experts include: Evelien Brouwer, lecturer in Public Law and Technology at the Utrecht University (Netherlands); Andreas Pottakis of the Greek Ombudsman; Elena Sánchez, Professor at Mexico’s Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas and Project Co-Director at the Migrant Integration Policy Index; and Lisa Singh, Professor at the Massive Data Institute, Georgetown University, USA.
Board Members (EAB)
Our board members that contribute to this project in an advisory role are listed below

Evelien Brouwer is a lecturer in Public Law and Technology at the Utrecht University. Her areas of expertise include EU asylum and migration law and human rights. She has written extensively on the right to effective legal remedies, non-discrimination, and data protection. She participated in different (EU and national) research projects dealing with the Common European Asylum System, Schengen, border controls, and the use of databases. In 2010, she received a Dutch NWO-Veni research grant for her project on mutual trust in migration law. In 2019, she has been awarded a Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowship from the European University Institute, Florence, for research on entry bans.

Andreas I. Pottakis studied Law at the Universities of Athens and Oxford where he was awarded a doctorate (D.Phil.) in EU Public Law. He has lectured at various European Universities, in the UK, in Italy, in Turkey and in Greece where he has also pursued a career as a lawyer before the Supreme Court. He is a professor and the Provost for postgraduate studies at the European Law and Governance School (ELGS), and the Alternate Director of the Academy of European Public Law. From 2011 until 2015, Andreas Pottakis served as legal advisor to the General Secretariat of the Hellenic Government, while from 2015 until early 2016 he was appointed at the position of Head of the Legal Office. He has published extensively on a wide range of areas, including, inter alia, European Public Law, Comparative Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law, and the legal protection of Human Rights. Andreas Pottakis was elected by Parliament to the position of the Greek Ombudsman in late July 2016 and serves a term of 6 years. In late 2017 he was elected Regional Director at the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI-Europe) and in 2018 President of the Association of Mediterranean Ombudsmen (AOM), effective from 2019. In the elections of the IOI-Europe in 2019, he was elected first among his counterparts in IOI’s European region, leading to his automatic participation in the Board of the International Network IOI, while in 2020 he was elected President of IOI-Europe.

Elena Sánchez-Montijano is Research Professor at the Center for Research and Teaching of Economics (CIDE, Mexico). She has a Doctorate in Political and Social Sciences from the Pomeu Fabra University (UPF, Barcelona) and a Masters in International Cooperation and Development from the University of Granada. Previously, she was a senior researcher in CIDOB and a researcher in the Inter-disciplinary Immigration Research Group (GRITIM) of UPF. Her primary areas of interest are migrant integration policies, migration regimes and transnational relationships between foreigners and their countries of origin. She was the scientific coordinator of the SAHWA project (Researching Arab Mediterranean Youth: Towards a New Social Contract) financed by the Seventh Framework Program of the European Commission. Furthermore, she was the co-director of the Project Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX), which evaluated and compared what governments are doing to promote the integration of migrants in 42 countries. She also participated as a researcher in various European projects, including, among others: the FEUTURE Project (which analyzes EU-Turkey relations on migration) and the Project CEASEVAL (which provides evaluations of the European Common Asylum System), both financed by the Horizon 2020 Program of the European Commission; the Project NIEM, which analyzes refugee policies; and the country coordinator for Spain European Web Site on Integration (EWSI), financed by the European Commission. She was a visiting researcher at the Center on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) of the University of Oxford in 2010 and the Center for Ethnic and Migration Studies (CEDEM) of Liege University in 2012 and the Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM), Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, in 2019.

Lisa Singh is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Georgetown University. She is also a Research Professor in the Massive Data Institute (MDI). Her specialization is what we like to call – data-centric computing. It means that she works on lots of aspects of data driven computer science – data mining, data privacy, data science, and data visualization to name a few. She likes working with noisy, messy, partial data to determine what its limitations are, what she can say about it, and what she can learn from it in ethical, privacy-preserving ways.