Involves practitioners working in first response and second-level reception (while people are waiting for their asylum process to finalise), as well as municipalities and civil society actors focused on integration of the migrants.

The Users Board
Group 1
Disembarkation & First Response
First-line practioners such as NGOs focused on disembarkation and forst reception in the coastel territories, as well as coast/border authorities. They will be end-users of the “prediction interface”of the EUMigra Tool, piloting the tool in selected territories.
Group 2
Second-level reception
Second-level reception practioners such as NGOs, asylum offices, which will test the EUMigra Tool for both predicting and managing asylum seekers. The tool will assist them facilitating the asylum and relocation procedures by providing valuable information of the different Member States (eceonomy, public sentiment, labour market, available shelter, etc.)
Group 3
Practioners focused on integration of migrants, which will include NGOs, teachers, social workers, health care workers and local administrations. They will test and validate the EUMigra Tool on the part that maps integration policies and labour opportunities for refugees in selected countries.