In total there are 14 consortium partners from the EU Member States. The consortium as a whole has been designed to ensure complementarity and balance concerning nationality, type of partner, expertise and role in the project. We have brought together a team that unites the leading expertise in the relevant scientific and technical fields while at the same time providing the project with diverse hands-on experience and relevant networks for dissemination.

Who We Are

Universidad Autonoma De Barcelona (UAB)
As leader of WP1, UAB is responsible for the overall project coordination and as the consortium leader it is the official contact to the European Commission, will monitor and coordinate the project participants and stimulate dialogue and exchange throughout the project. Furthermore, UAB leads WP2 for developing an Ethical, Privacy and Data Management Strategy for the project.

European University Institute (EUI)
EUI leads the Public attitudes towards migration work package (WP5) and contributes to various research tasks in several other work packages (WP6, 8 and 9).

Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (Certh)
As leader of WP6, CERTH is responsible for the development of the foreseen EUMigraTool. CERTH also leads the integration and deployment phase of the EUMigraTool developing the necessary visualization interfaces while it will also participate in the validation activities of WP7.

Centre For European Policy Studies (CEPS)
CEPS leads the Dissemination and Communication work package (WP9) and contributes to various research tasks in several other work packages (WP3, 4, 9)

Institut Fuer Weltwirtschaft (IFW)
The Kiel Institute leads WP4, which deals with data and the description and mapping of the present situation. It also contributes to predicting migration flows (WP3) and mapping resulting attitudes (WP5).

Istituto Affari Internazionali (I.A.I.)
IAI leads WP3 and also contributes to WP8, by organising the workshop and preparing the policy brief on the drivers and routes of migration.

Fiz Karlsruhe – Leibniz-Institut Fur Informationsinfrastruktur Gmbh (Fiz Karlsruhe)
The Intellectual Property Department at FIZ Karlsruhe (IGR Team) at FIZ Karlsruhe contributes with its expertise in data protection and expertise in the legal framework on asylum seekers and immigration in the framework of WP2. The research department ‘Information Service Engineering’ (ISE) at FIZ contributes with its experience in semantic analysis, which also includes social network analysis with respect to sentiment analysis for WP5.

Munster Technological University
MTU delivers on communications and dissemination tasks (WP9). It will also contribute into the analysis of Big Data regarding drivers of migration (WP3) and public attitudes (WP5). Finally it participates in the design of the tool (WP6) and on the training of end-users (WP7).

Associazione Della Croce Rossa Italiana (C.R.I.)
CRI is involved in various Work Packages. CRI will lead task 3.4 regarding interviews with migrants and asylum seekers in countries of arrival. They will also lead task 7.1 regarding User Board establishment and user requirements collection.

Oxfam Italia Onlus (Oxfam Italia)
OIT is involved in particular in WPs 3, 7 and 8. Its role is mainly conceived 1) to ensure access to migrant communities and the inclusion’s of migrants’ voices in the research results, together with civil society organisations’ point of view, thus making sure theory is combined with practice (WPs 3 and 7); and 2) to contribute to shape and widespread policy recommendations ensuring that the perspective of CSOs working on the field will be taken on board.

Center For The Study Of Democracy (CSD)
Center for the Study of Democracy acts as leader of WP8 (Policy Analysis and Recommendations) and participates actively in the research implementation of WP3 (Drivers of Migration in origin/ transfer countries) and WP7 (Validation of results).

Associacio Open Cultural Center (OCC)
OCC participates in the Work Packages WP3,6, 7,8 and 9, supporting definition of indicators, interviews, testing and validation, stakeholder engagement, dissemination, providing a bottom up approach across the project and inputs from a practitioner’s perspective.

Terracom, mainly works on WP6 as a technological partner providing and developing the necessary infrastructure and software that will address the needs of ITFLOWS and the design of the EUMigraTool. Terracom also assists in WP9 for the Exploitation Plan of the EMT.

Brunel University London (BUL)
BUL is responsible to the tasks on human rights and gender (WP2) as well as the tasks on models of countries of origin and creation of the EUMigraTool (WP6). It also contributes in policy recommendations (WP8) and dissemination (WP9).